Frequently Asked Question

Reset/Three Finger a Chromebook
Last Updated 3 months ago

Latest Version

  1. Press Esc + Refresh + Power. A 'Lets start you through the recovery process' screen is displayed.
  2. Tab down to 'Advanced Options' and press 'Enter'.
  3. When the transition completes, enable Developer mode by pressing 'Enter'.
  4. Confirm the option by pressing 'Enter'.
  5. After a moment, you will need to 'Confirm' return to secure mode.

If the chromebook auto-enrolls, you should get a screen that allows you to select 'Get started'.

  1. Now select the 'hart_wifi' wireless network.
  2. Finally, just press the 'Done' button and you are finished.

If auto-enroll does not work

  1. Enroll the Chromebook before signing in to it.
  2. Log in the enrollment as your Google login account information.
    NOTE: Do not worry, others using this chromebook will NOT be able to use your credentials because of this.

Old Version

  1. Press Esc + Refresh + Power. A yellow exclamation point (!) is displayed.
  2. Press Ctrl + D to begin dev mode, then press Enter.   A red exclamation point is displayed.
  3. When the transition completes, press the spacebar, then press Enter to return to verified mode.
  4. After a reboot, a Welcome screen appears. Follow the on-screen prompts. Connect to the wireless hart_wifi.
  5. Accept and continue.
  6. Enroll the Chromebook before signing in to it.
  7. Log in the enrollment as your Google login account information.
    NOTE: Do not worry, others using this chromebook will NOT be able to use your credentials because of this.

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