Frequently Asked Question
Reset/Three Finger a Chromebook
Last Updated 3 months ago
Latest Version
- Press Esc + Refresh + Power. A 'Lets start you through the recovery process' screen is displayed.
- Tab down to 'Advanced Options' and press 'Enter'.
- When the transition completes, enable Developer mode by pressing 'Enter'.
- Confirm the option by pressing 'Enter'.
- After a moment, you will need to 'Confirm' return to secure mode.
If the chromebook auto-enrolls, you should get a screen that allows you to select 'Get started'.
- Now select the 'hart_wifi' wireless network.
- Finally, just press the 'Done' button and you are finished.
If auto-enroll does not work
- Enroll the Chromebook before signing in to it.
- Log in the enrollment as your Google login account information.
NOTE: Do not worry, others using this chromebook will NOT be able to use your credentials because of this.
Old Version
- Press Esc + Refresh + Power. A yellow exclamation point (!) is displayed.
- Press Ctrl + D to begin dev mode, then press Enter. A red exclamation point is displayed.
- When the transition completes, press the spacebar, then press Enter to return to verified mode.
- After a reboot, a Welcome screen appears. Follow the on-screen prompts. Connect to the wireless hart_wifi.
- Accept and continue.
- Enroll the Chromebook before signing in to it.
- Log in the enrollment as your Google login account information.
NOTE: Do not worry, others using this chromebook will NOT be able to use your credentials because of this.